Manitowoc County Subscribed Articles

Manitowoc County Subscribed Articles

Wisconsin Capitol July

MADISON – Several groups concerned about voter access are coming together to advocate that every registered voter be mailed an absentee ballot – and for other provisions – that would allow for a safe and fair election during the un

Voting in a time of Coronavirus

This is a challenging time. It’s probably safe to assume you’ve shifted your priorities in every aspect of your life. We understand, and we’re with you.


Las Elecciones de Primavera y las Elecciones Presidenciales Primarias se acercan rápidamente, y con el aumento en la preocupación por la salud publica debido a la pandemia del COVID-19, la Liga de Mujeres Votantes invita a todos los vota


Note: Your Absentee Ballot will need to be postmarked by April 7 and received by your clerk by April 13 to be counted.  

VOTE411 Election Information You Need

[MADISON, WI] - Ahead of the Spring Primary, the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin offers the nonpartisan election resource

LWV logo color open

The Board of Directors of the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin has accepted the resignation of Erin Grunze as its Executive Director.  Grunze cited personal reasons including needing to have more time with her young family.

Wisconsin Supreme Court
Public Statement

Response to Court Actions Regarding Voter Purge in Wisconsin

No Human Is Illegal sign

December 17, 2019

To: Senate Committee on Labor and Regulatory Reform

Re:  Opposition to Senate Bill 151

Constitution Day - We The People Logo
Public Statement

League of Women Voters of Wisconsin and Two Registered Voters Challenge Voter Purge as Violating the U.S. Constitution
