Welcome to New Members!

Welcome to New Members!

Welcome new members/prospective members: 

We join because we want to make a difference. Perhaps you want to assist citizens in understanding the importance of all eligible voters to get to the poles each election.  Maybe you are worried that there are under represented groups in our community who are not voting and want to help get them involved in this right to participate.  Another effort the league supports is voter education including: the schedule of upcoming elections, candidate forums to inform citizens of the positions of the candidates, and providing non partisan voters guide. Many more ways to “be the change you want to see.” (attributed to Gandhi)    

When we join our local League of Women Voters we are automatically a member in the state and national organizations. 

If you’ve already taken the first step and joined our local league in Frederick, we’re so happy to welcome you and want to provide resources, information and guides for your next steps to get started. 

Below is a list of resources where you can find much more information about the local, state and national League of Women Voters: 
Welcome to the League of Women Voters for Frederick County! | MyLO (lwv.org)

If you still need to take that first step to join please do so via this link: https://my.lwv.org/maryland/frederick-county/join-frederick-county-league-women-voters

You joined to make a difference - what would you like to do?  Check out the list of committees and how to connect with their work. 

link to the committee list

Our local Board of Elections has opportunities to support your new efforts such as how to help with voter registration: https://www.frederickcountymd.gov/7638/Help-People-Register-to-Vote
or volunteering to be an election worker: https://frederickcountymd.gov/3227/Be-an-Election-Worker 

The Calendar of League events has updated activities in the following categories
            -business events - where we have meetings that all are invited to
            -education events, convention, community events to provide voter registration
            -outreach events to recruit new members
Find the calendar at https://my.lwv.org/maryland/frederick-county/calendar

We are excited to work with you!