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Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Area Articles

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Public Statement

SC is one of only 10 states that has refused to expand health insurance coverage for working-age adults although Federal funds would cover more than 90% of the cost.

Research & Studies



Announcing virtual nonpartisan LWV Candidate Forums for local and state races! Mark your calendars and register here.

The League of Women Voters has been empowering voters since 1928 when the League held its first "Meet the Candidates" national radio broadcast ever in the United States. We are proud to continue this important role. We envision a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge, and the confidence to participate.

John Lewis Memorial
Public Statement

A special non-partisan message from the LWVSC Director for Social and Racial Justice, Patricia Felton-Montgomery, Ed. D. for a great American hero. 



Dear Editor,


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Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Area Subscribed Articles

Press Mention

South Carolina Daily Gazette

Compared with other employers that states compete for, such as automotive plants, data centers hire relatively few workers. Still, states have offered massive subsidies to lure data centers. Lynn Teague, VP, SC League of Women Voters, said South Carolinians, including more than 700,000 people living in poverty, shouldn’t have to pick up the tab for tax or utility breaks for major data center firms. “We have companies like Google with over $300 billion in revenues a year wanting these folks to subsidize their profit margin at the same time that they’re putting intense pressure on not just our energy, but our water,” she said.

Press Mention

The Post & Courier
A part-time legislator keeps his job and, in his role, occasionally votes on bills that benefit members of his advocacy organization. Unethical? Potentially disqualifying? "There are questions of legitimate interest for the public such as conflict of interest, like Bobby Cox sponsoring and lobbying for bills to benefit Sig Sauer,”wrote Lynn Teague, a lobbyist for the League of Women Voters who often works on ethics issues in the legislature. “That should be illegal but isn’t."

Press Mention

South Carolina Daily Gazette

South Carolina has at least four large data center projects in the works, collectively needing an estimated 800 megawatts of power daily. But advocates for consumers also have questioned deals utilities and county governments have made with data center developers. “Data centers are doing nothing to deserve a special deal,” Lynn Teague, a lobbyist for the League of Women Voters, previously told the SC Daily Gazette. “They should at least make them pay their way.”

Press Mention

The State newspaper

An unprecedented array of Democratic and Republican female candidates are challenging incumbents for seats in the General Assembly, Women makeup more than 50 percent of the state’s population. Currently, just over six percent of women serve in the House, and only seven percent in the Senate.

“If you’re not at the table then you’re on the menu,” said Lynn Teague, vice president of issues and actions for the League of Women Voters in South Carolina. “Women are underrepresented in South Carolina state government, virtually more than in any other state.”

Press Mention

WACH Fox 57 News

Carolina For All held a press conference to emphasize the importance of fair and safe elections, along with State Representative Jermaine Johnson. Johnson has two proposed bills focusing on the protection of poll workers and elections.

Lynn Teague with the South Carolina League of Women Voters says they lost five county election directors last year due to lack of protection. "In many cases, all of the pressure and ugliness around elections these days is one of the reasons, we even had one county that had to shut down their election office for a week because they had nobody left," said Teague.