Defend against the Supreme Court’s attack - Vote YES on SCA 10

Defend against the Supreme Court’s attack - Vote YES on SCA 10

Time Range For Action Alert: 
June 24, 2022 to June 28, 2022

This morning our reproductive rights were decimated by the Supreme Court. California must lead the way to strengthen and expand reproductive freedom. SCA 10 (Atkins) amends California’s constitution to explicitly protect the right to abortion and contraception. If SCA 10 gets the votes it needs in the Assembly this Monday, then it will be on the ballot for a vote of the people in November. Can we count on you to stand with us and tell your Assemblymember to vote YES on SCA 10?

Protect Reproductive Choice in California

SCA 10 safeguards people's freedom to make decisions about their own bodies and health. By enshrining reproductive choice in California’s Constitution, our state will affirm that abortion and contraception are healthcare and must remain a private medical decision. Tell your Assemblymember to vote YES on SCA 10 now!