Fight big money in politics: Tell Governor Brown to sign SB 1107

Fight big money in politics: Tell Governor Brown to sign SB 1107

Time Range For Action Alert: 
September 23, 2016 to September 30, 2016


Governor Brown has signed SB 1107! Thanks to everyone who took action to allow citizen-funded elections in California.


Please urge Governor Brown to sign SB 1107 to help increase voter participation, restore public trust, and strengthen our representative democracy.

SB 1107 will remove a 28-year-old ban on public financing of campaigns, helping state and local governments level the playing field for those wishing to run for public office. This bill will support election innovation, including voluntary programs like those already in place in six California charter cities. It does not create any programs or raise any taxes or fees.

Take action now and ask Governor Brown to sign SB 1107. Your message will encourage more civic participation and combat public cynicism about government. Please help make sure this valuable bill is enacted by contacting the Governor!

Help us reform California election funding! SB 1107 has passed both houses of the legislature and is on the Governor’s desk for him to sign or veto. This important bill gives local governments the flexibility to fight big money in politics and bring greater accountability to our elections.