Strengthen Reproductive Access and Affordability

Strengthen Reproductive Access and Affordability

Time Range For Action Alert: 
May 24, 2022 to May 31, 2022

California has led the nation in increasing access to affordable, quality abortion and reproductive care. Yet, as the constitutional right to reproductive choice is under attack by the Supreme Court and in states throughout the country, there is still more work to do. SB 1375 (Atkins) is a proactive step to expand the pool of healthcare providers able to provide abortions. This bill is coming up for a vote on the state Senate floor this week–tell your state Senator to vote YES on SB 1375 today!

Help Us Increase Reproductive Care Accessibility & Affordability

If the Supreme Court overturns its precedents protecting abortion access, California will see a three thousand percent increase of people traveling to the state for abortions [1]. As it is, over 40 percent of counties in California do not have clinics that provide abortions [2]. The lack of available reproductive health service providers disproportionately impacts the health and choices of people in Black, Brown, and low-income communities [3]. SB 1375 would allow thousands of experienced California nurse practitioners to provide first-trimester abortion care, a critically needed healthcare service.

Can we count on you to stand with us and support SB 1375?