Take Action: Fight for #FairMaps

Take Action: Fight for #FairMaps

Time Range For Action Alert: 
September 5, 2019 to September 19, 2019

California’s state redistricting process is the gold standard for the nation. Now it’s time to bring that level of excellence and fairness to the local level. We need criteria to make line-drawing transparent, and ensure our diverse communities have a voice in government. Fair rules lead to fair maps. Tell your state Senator to vote YES on the Fair Maps Act, AB 849.


Partisan and racially-discriminatory gerrymandering has no place in California’s democracy, at any level of government. Unfortunately, there are very few requirements on local redistricting to ensure the process is fair and transparent and that the public, and especially underrepresented communities, are engaged in the process. Take action now and urge your state Senator to vote YES on the Fair Maps Act, AB 849.

Modeled off the requirements already in place for state redistricting, this bill will:

  • Create standardized, fair redistricting criteria that protects community integrity and prohibits partisan gerrymandering.
  • Require local governments to hold public hearings and conduct public outreach, including with non-English-speaking communities.
  • Better align the timing of local redistricting to allow more opportunities for public participation.

The way we draw local election district lines is a fundamental civil rights issue, determining which California communities will be represented and which could be ignored for the next decade.

Take action now and tell your state Senator that we need local redistricting criteria to ensure fair representation - vote YES on the Fair Maps Act!