All Butte County Articles

Congress Capital

LWV Urges Congress to Exercise Its Authority 

Election Results
Public Statement

The League of Women Voters of the United States president Dianna Wynn and CEO Celina Stewart released the following statement on the 2024 election results:

calif vote 411

 Click on Vote 411

To see candidates, propositions and measures that will be on your ballot


How We Vote Recording Link
Brown Act
Public Statement

Throughout our history, the League of Women Voters has been an active champion of openness in government and the existence of California’s Brown Act guarantees the public’s right to attend and participate in local government.

public speking
If you want to get your point across to our elected officials, Evan Tuchinsky, now weekend editor of the Enterprise-Record, has some excellent suggestions.
Fair Maps
With the 2020 local redistricting cycle concluded, this report takes a step back to evaluate the effectiveness of the FAIR MAPS Act and related Independent Redistricting Commission reforms at encouraging meaningful public p
Brown Act
Here is a link to a recording of this workshop. Know Your Rights: Public Meetings in California which was held on Jan 31, 2023 Tuesday 12:00-1:00 PM in Pacific Time
Proportional Representation

Find the link below to our most recent grassroots League meeting on Election Reform.


YouTube Link to Data & Proportional Representation featuring Deb Otis, from FairVote. 
