Butte County Subscribed Articles

Butte County Subscribed Articles

Vote with the League | Our recommendations on the state ballot measures | Vote November 8, 2022

You can make a difference! Be sure to vote in the November 8, 2022 General Election! Read more to find out our voting recommendations for the statewide propositions on your ballot.

Women's Inequality Day, August 26, 2022 #WomensInequalityDay

We may not be equal under the laws of our nation, but together our power is undeniable.

historical photos of LWV members marching; and woman sitting in cell

Over 100 years of people fighting to build a better democracy

Get ready to vote in the June 7 election

Prepare to vote in the June 7 California Primary Election

Get ready to vote in the June 7 election

Prepare to vote in the June 7 California Primary Election

Voter's Edge Media Partnership press Release, voting, primary election, voter guide, nonpartisan, los angeles times, public radio, cap radio, gotv, facts
Public Statement

Online Guide Provides Comprehensive, Unbiased Information for California Voters


Help Californians vote with confidence on Election Day using our unbiased online voter guide, Voter's Edge.

Voter education Toolkit, cavotes, gotv, unbiased, voter guide, LWV, California, voting

Plain Language Messaging & Graphics for the Upcoming Election

Adriana Champagne Zamora, Trudy Schafer Fellowship, California, grassroots, advocacy

Adrianna will carry on Trudy’s legacy and the work of the League in fighting for a fair and just California.

Kandea Mosley Gandhi, League of Women Voters, Women's History Month, California

Planting the seeds for healthy, transformational change.
