Draft 2021 Butte County Climate Action Plan

Draft 2021 Butte County Climate Action Plan


  Draft 2021 Butte County Climate Action Plan is available for review.

Bute County Climate Change          

 The Draft 2021 Butte County Climate Action Plan is now available for public review and comment.  See details on submitting comments below.

            The draft plan reviews and inventories Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in the unincorporated areas of Butte County and sets out strategies and goals to make further reductions by 2030, 2040, and 2050. 

            According to the draft plan, GHG emissions in the unincorporated areas dropped by 9 percent between 2006 and 2019 “when not accounting for GHG reductions from biomass sequestration” (p. ES-1).   

            The plan lists fifteen strategies for future GHG emissions reductions (pp. ES-6&7), summarized here:  

  • Promote energy conservation and efficiency by residents and businesses,
  • Increase use of renewable and carbon-free energy,
  • Promote water conservation;
  • Reduce vehicle miles traveled;
  • Prioritize biking and walking;
  • Facilitate transition to efficient or clean-fuel vehicles;
  • Reduce solid waste sent to local landfills;
  • Reduce emissions from decomposition of organic waste;
  • Reduce emissions from farming equipment and encourage crop cultivation techniques that reduce emissions and maximize carbon sequestration.

            You can email any comments on the draft plan to Associate Planner Tristan Weems, Butte County Department of Developmental Services, at tweems [at] buttecounty.net.  He requests that comments be submitted by November 4 for incorporation into a report to the Butte County Planning Commission. 

            A Public Hearing before the Butte County Planning Commission is scheduled at 9:00 am on Thursday, November 18th at 25 County Center Drive, Oroville.

            If you have any questions or comments about the plan, please contact Tristan Weems, AICP, Associate Planner at tweems [at] buttecounty.net or 530.552.3685.


Satsie Veith, Pres., LWVBC

League to which this content belongs: 
Butte County