NewsFind the link below to our most recent grassroots League meeting on Election Reform.
YouTube Link to Data & Proportional Representation featuring Deb Otis, from FairVote.
Data and Proportional Representation: A Look at Data Related to Proportional Ranked Choice Voting.
To copy link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6fv_MOcm5U
Deb Otis is the Director of Research at FairVote. With a decade of experience in research and analytics, Deb is passionate about sharing the data-driven case for why our country needs election reform. In addition to ranked choice voting and proportional representation, Deb’s areas of research include comparative electoral systems, political polarization, redistricting, representation for women and people of color, the electoral college, and election recounts.
See LWVUS applicable position here: https://www.lwv.org/sites/default/files/2020-12/LWV-impact-2020.pdf
Hosted by LWV Rogue Valley Oregon and Sacramento Co, CA.
League to which this content belongs:
Butte County