State Level Districts That Include Butte County

State Level Districts That Include Butte County


 Brief Look at the New State-Level Districts that will include Butte County


1)  New Congressional District 1

Population 740,066 (no deviation allowed)

Citizen Voting Age Population %:

Latino: 14.03

Black: 1.99

Asian: 4.75

White: 75.07


Compare current CD 1 district lines here.  New CD 1 loses Plumas, Sierra, and Nevada counties but gains Glenn, Colusa, Sutter and part of Yuba counties. 

2)  New Assembly District 3

Population 496,832 (deviation= .56% above average) 

Citizen Voting Adult Population %:

Latino: 16.15

Black 2.24

Asian 6.10

White 71.74


Compare current AD maps here.  New AD 3 will include all of Butte County; right now it is split between AD 3 & AD  1.

3)  New State Senate District 1, Change from SD 4

Population: 938,834 (deviation= 4.98% below average)

Citizen Voting Age Population %:

Latino: 12.56    Black 1.73

Asian: 4.10        White: 77.70


Compare the current SD 4 lines here

Due to the transfer from an even-numbered district to an odd-numbered one, Butte County voters will wait until 2024 to vote for a new state senator; that it is 6 years since we last voted for this office in 2018.  This is the situation of the Deferred Voter -- a normal part of redistricting when districts are on staggered election cycles.  For more details, see the LWVC flyer on "PDF icon Deferred and Accelerated Voters". 






League to which this content belongs: 
Butte County