Job Description: 2nd VP, Membership

Job Description: 2nd VP, Membership

Job Description: 2nd Vice-President, Membership


As 2nd Vice-President, Membership, you will spearhead efforts to recruit new members and keep current members, teach all members about the League, and encourage involvement of all members in League activities.   


Chief Duties of 2nd VP, Membership:

  • Lead efforts to find new members and encourage others to recruit members.
  • Make sure new members receive information about the League in an engaging way – useful written information, orientation meetings, meet & greets, etc.
  • Work with other board members to find ways to encourage current and new members to become more active in League activities.
  • Make sure the stock of membership materials stays up to date, ie, handouts, dues envelopes, member name tags.
  • Write articles for the Voter as needed, including profiles of new or old members.
  • As an Officer of the League, perform other duties as designated by the Board.

With other board members:

  • Attend board meetings as scheduled whenever possible, typically once a month for 90 minutes on Zoom.
  • Plan and oversee League events and activities.
  • Protect the League’s nonpartisan reputation and educate members on the importance of this policy.
  • Encourage members to become more active in the League and take on leadership roles.
  • Help recruit new members.
  • Oversee financial condition of League; approve annual budget.
  • Educate yourself about League positions and organization on national, state, and local levels.
  • Work to promote the League’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policy.


Revised September 2023