Minutes April 2021

Minutes April 2021



League of Women Voters of Butte County

Board Meeting Minutes

April 13, 2021  

5:30 pm, via Zoom


Members Present: Mahalley Allen, Debra Barger, Roxanne Ferry, Sandra Flake, Lori Fuentes, Claire Greene, Patty Haley, Maureen Kirk, Toni Reid, and Satsie Veith


  1. 1.     Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 5:31 pm.


2. Approve Meeting Minutes

The March meeting minutes were approved.


3. Budget to Actuals + NVCF and Tri Counties Balances Reports


Budget to Actuals

Sandra reviewed budget to actuals as of March 14, 2021, including projections for yearend balances on June 30, 2021. Based on her budget projections and including Week of Giving fundraising, LWVBC will be almost $5600 in the black at the end of the fiscal year.


LWVBC Cash Assets

Sandra reviewed a report showing LWVBC cash assets as of March 31, 2021. The report includes the 20-21 North Valley Community Foundation summary and also the 20-21 Tri Counties checking account summary for total cash assets of $81,590.85. The report does not include non-cash assets such as computer equipment and office supplies. This report shows LWVBC is in excellent financial shape.


Board members discussed continuing to raise money for the checking account that can be used without constraint on their use like the North Valley Community Foundation funds.


4. 2nd Draft Budget 2021-2022 Report

Toni, as chair of the Budget Committee, reviewed the draft 2021-2022 budget. The draft budget includes income of $3000 in contributions, $2000 in fundraising (in ordinary income), and $4000 in fundraising (in North Valley Community Foundation donations). The costs for rent and operating costs in the budget are relatively modest costs.



Sandra moved and Toni seconded a motion to approve the proposed 21-22 budget. Motion passed unanimously.


5. Nominations Committee Report

Elaina McReynolds, chair of the Nominations Committee, joined the meeting to report on their efforts. Elaina reported there is one candidate for Director of Social Policy (Janet Rechtman), one candidate for Director of Natural Resources (Toni Reid), one candidate for 1st Vice President (Claire Greene), and one candidate for President (Satsie Veith). At this time, there are no candidates for the positions of secretary, Director of Observers, and Director of Government.



6. LWV National Day of Action April 29 Event Planning

LWVUS has called for a national day of action on April 29th focused on redistricting. At 6:30 pm that evening, LWVBC will host a Zoom program. Debra suggested hosting an educational event on redistricting with the general public invited. The plan is to invite the state league to present on the rules of redistricting and then discuss tools and agencies available to work with communities of interest for feedback about redistricting. Board members discussed the local issues of Butte County redistricting, Census data, and voter registration, as well as ideas for the event. Debra asked for a longer-term commitment to focus on redistricting and to engage the public on this important topic. Mahalley and Lori will create a Google form for people to register to attend the April 29th event.


7. Formation of Election Committee for Virtual Business Meeting

Mahalley will chair the Election Committee at the annual business meeting in May. Lori and Roxanne will join her on the committee.



Claire moved and Satsie seconded a motion to appoint Mahalley as chair of the Election Committee and Lori and Roxanne as members. Motion passed unanimously


8. Updates on Annual Business Meeting draft agenda due 4/30/21

Debra reminded board members that April 30th is the deadline for reports for the annual business meeting packet.


9. LWVC June Convention: request for donations, registration

LWVBC will have three voting delegates at the June convention. If you are interested in being either a voting or non-voting delegate, please email Debra.


10. Other Business/adjourn

Adjourned at 7 pm.