Minutes April 2022

Minutes April 2022



League of Women Voters of Butte County

Board Meeting Minutes

April 12, 2022  

5:30 pm 


Members Present: Mahalley Allen, Roxanne Ferry, Sandra Flake, Lori Fuentes, Claire Greene, Patty Haley, Janet Rechtman, Toni Reid, and Satsie Veith


Guest: Becky Cox-White


  1. 1.     Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 5:32 pm.


2. Approve Meeting Minutes

The minutes for the March regular board meeting and the March special board meeting were approved.


3. Financial Report

Sandra gave a financial report on the 3rd quarter summary and comparison. Satsie shared the updated proposed 2022-2023 budget. The budget has been updated with $1,800 being added under reserves due to previous subtotal errors. 



The Budget Committee proposed approval of the 22-23 budget as amended. Motion passed unanimously.


4. Update on Office Sublease Agreement

Satsie updated board members that Altacal has been paying half of the expenses plus $100 per month for their sublease. When asked if they wanted to continue that sublease arrangement, Altacal countered with a proposal to pay half the expenses but only $100 per month for the six months during the intense Snow Goose Festival preparations.


Altacal has not named LWVBC as an additional insured on their general liability insurance policy, which is part of the sublease agreement. They will find out the cost of doing so, and that additional cost to Altacal will need to be taken into account when deciding the amount they should pay for the sublease.


5. Approve Convention Delegates

Satsie, Jane Wanderer, and Becky Cox-White have all volunteered to be delegates for the convention. LWVBC has funds available to subsidize other league members attending the convention as observers.



Sandra moved and Roxanne seconded a motion to approve Satsie, Jane, and Becky as the LWVBC convention delegates. Motion passed unanimously.


6. Annual Meeting

Satsie shared the draft agenda for the annual meeting. Please send committee reports to Satsie by April 18th or 19th. Satsie needs to appoint elections committee members; please send her committee member recommendations. Board members discussed adoption of the upcoming year’s program. Possible options on how to proceed include: (1) use the results from the recent membership survey as an indication of what members want to adopt as their program for the 22-23 year or (2) continue the work of the program from the previous year.



Roxanne moved and Janet seconded a motion that we continue with the program priorities from the 21-22 year. Motion passed unanimously.


Claire will assist with the microphone/PA system at the annual meeting.


7. Voter Registration and Forums Update

Patty updated board members about voter registration events. Voter registration training is on April 13th, with five people signed up to attend. LWVBC has a booth at the upcoming Chocolate Festival on May 7th and booths for three Thursdays in May at the Chico Thursday Night Market. Patty has not heard back from the Oroville market yet and still needs to reach out to person she can work with to arrange outreach to homeless people.


Claire updated board members on candidate forums. Upcoming forums:


April 27, 7 pm: Butte County Board of Supervisors Districts 2 and 3


April 28, 7 pm: Butte County Assessor


May 2, 7 pm: State Assembly District 3


May 4, 7 pm: Congressional District 1


Linda MacMichael is preparing questions for the Board of Supervisors and Assessor forums. Debra Barger will moderate the April 28 forum. Sandra has re-activated the Zoom webinar license. In 2020, we did not have pre-registration for the forums because we used the webinar format and that worked well. Claire will record the forums.  


8. Committee Reports

Social Policy Committee: Janet updated board members that the first program on housing/homelessness will be on June 15th from 5-6:30 pm and will be a partnership with OLLI. The committee is planning for a hybrid in person and virtual event.


Natural Resources Committee: Toni updated board members that her committee has lined up speakers for their next program, scheduled for either June 27, 28, or 30th on Zoom. The program will focus on the Vina Groundwater Sustainability Plan, the Paradise option study, and Table A water.


9. Nominating Committee Report

Board members discussed the Nominating Committee’s slate of nominees. Nominations also can come from the floor at the annual meeting. One of the largest concerns is the vacancy for the Director, Communications position.




10. Health Care Concurrence

Becky Cox-White shared a presentation with board members about concurring with the New York State LWV position on access to health care and health care financing. The content changes in the position include:


-Advocating for both universal and equitable access to health care.

-Rejecting idea of employment-based health insurance.

-Including dental, vision, and hearing care.

- Including single-payer (federal government) financing system.

-Cost control of services.

-More public participation.


Please email questions about the position to Becky. This issue will be on the agenda at the national convention.


11. Bylaws Review

The LWVC reviewer sent proposed revisions to the bylaws. Board members discussed her proposed changes.



Claire moved and Janet seconded a motion to accept all of the reviewer’s changes except to leave in the provision allowing for secret ballots. Motion passed unanimously.


12. Adjourn

Meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm.