Minutes December 2022

Minutes December 2022



League of Women Voters of Butte County

Board Meeting Minutes

December 13, 2022  

5:30 pm 


Members Present:  Satsie Veith, Sandra Flake, Toni Reid, Janet Rechtman, Claire Greene, Marcia Moore; guests Carol Burr and Linda MacMichael

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 5:33 p.m. by President Satsie Veith.

2. Approve Meeting Minutes. 

The minutes for the November board meeting were approved as submitted and read.  Marcia Moore agreed to be designated note taker for the meeting. 

3. Nominating Committee 

Carol Burr and Linda MacMichael representing the current nominating committee presented the need for two more members from the board.  Marcia Moore and Claire Greene volunteered to represent the board on the committee.  Carol and Linda also requested board permission to recruit at-large members of the board in place of members with specific portfolios/tasks.    A motion was made and seconded to grant permission for that proposal.  Motion passed.  Carol and Linda also proposed their idea for small group meetings of members at people’s homes to further interest in the activities of the League.  Approval (without need for a vote) was registered by the board.

4. Financial Report – Day of Giving; Zoom proposal 
Treasurer Sandra Flake reported only a small (compared to prior years) income from the Day of Giving ($680) and discussion was held about the need for further types of fundraising throughout the year.  An additional $150 was received in December for a two-month total of $830.  

Sandra reported on an expressed need for live streaming our public meetings which would require a Pro Zoom account.  It was moved, seconded, and approved (after some discussion) to pay $150 for an annual (discounted) subscription to Pro Zoom with the license being held in the League’s name, thus allowing more than one user at separate times.  Sandra Flake will purchase the license.

5. Board Member Reports

Marcia Moore reported that membership renewal email reminders were sent out before Thanksgiving and Sandra Flake has updated the roster to reflect that.  We will send out a second email in the near future emphasizing the December 31 deadline.  A reminder was also placed in the newsletter.  We will start calling members who have not renewed in early January.  Toni Reid requested the list of members who have not yet paid and Sandra Flake will send her the updated roster.

Janet Rechtman reported that the social policy committee met to plan the third session on the issue of the unhoused.  Instead of a webinar or panel presentation, the group will produce a document listing the numerous and varied ways individuals and groups can work in the community and then will sponsor (as the League) some of these activities.  She noted that all these activities meet the State’s program on the unhoused.  The board reacted positively to this plan.

6. February 11 Meeting Update/Donation to church
First Baptist Church has been reserved from 10a.m. to 3 p.m.  A final decision on the exact time of the meeting will be deferred until the agenda/program has been set.  (See discussion below.)  Discussion was held about a donation to the church, and it was recommended that we make a donation from our education account.  The issue will be taken up again at the next board meeting.
 7. Legislative Interview and Newsletter Updates
One member has indicated interest in the program and Satsie sent her the packet of information but has had trouble reconnecting.  Marcia will contact that member to determine if she is still interested.
Dawn Dawson has agreed to take over the layout of the newsletter.  She currently does the layout for the another CA league.
 8. State Convention May 18-21 – Donation request
A decision on the request from State for a $250 donation to defray the cost of the state convention was tabled until a future meeting. 
 9. Budget and Fundraising committees
Maureen Kirk has agreed to join Sandra Flake and Janet Rechtman on the budget committee which now meets the requisite number of members.  Satsie will ask Becky Cox-White if she would agree to serve on the committee as well.
Fundraising throughout the year was tabled for the present.
 10. Feb. 11 agenda and composition.
The meeting will be a potluck brunch and business meeting.  The purpose of the meeting is to plan our local program for the coming year and indicate to the State issues we think important.   There was a consensus that two meetings would be useful, one in person and one via zoom to permit as much participation as possible.  In addition, there was interest in sending out a preliminary “survey monkey” to identify topics to be discussed at the meeting.  These ideas will be developed further; Satsie will notify us of a meeting where the agenda can be developed further. 

The meeting was adjourned at 6:59 p.m.  The next meeting will be held by Zoom at 5:30 p.m. on January 10, 2023.


Respectfully Submitted,

Marcia Moore