Minutes February 2022

Minutes February 2022



League of Women Voters of Butte County

Board Meeting Minutes

February 8, 2022  

5:30 pm 


Members Present: Mahalley Allen, Roxanne Ferry, Sandra Flake, Lori Fuentes, Claire Greene, Patty Haley, Janet Rechtman, Toni Reid, and Satsie Veith


  1. 1.     Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 5:31 pm.


2. Approve Meeting Minutes

The minutes for the January board meeting were approved.


3. Financial Report

Sandra reviewed the final July through December 2021 profit and loss budget vs. actual report. According to the 2nd quarter report from North Valley Community Foundation, LWVBC’s account began the fiscal year at  $51,566 and now has $55,355.


4. Update on Recycling Program (postponed)

Because the Redding League started to have doubts about hosting this program in April, this event is postponed to the fall.


5. Discussion of Money in Politics Program

Professor Diana Dwyre from Chico State agreed to be a speaker for a LWVBC program on money in politics. We will host this program at the fall coffee, which hopefully will be in person. Because Diana will likely want to have a PowerPoint, we should plan for an event space with technology access.


6. Fundraising, Budget, Bylaws Committee Updates

Toni shared her fundraising idea to ask LWVBC members to make $25 donations at the annual meeting in honor of a mentor, friend, family member, or League member. Members making donations could write a paragraph or two about the person they are honoring, and those statements could be collected into a book or program to be shared with League members. We could invite people who are being honored to future LWVBC events and meetings. Board members thought this was a great idea!


Lori reported that the budget committee met last week to go over the budget process. The committee will meet again next week to start working on a draft budget. The committee needs to find out the LWVBC office rent situation as soon as possible because that will affect the budget. Satsie will reach out to Altacal to discuss their office needs and whether they would potentially move with LWVBC to new office space.  


The bylaws committee is continuing its work on the LWVBC bylaws.


7. Natural Resources and Social Policy Committee Updates

Toni updated the board that the Natural Resources Committee will have its first water program, titled “Butte County Water: Where Does Your Water Come From, How is it Distributed, and Why Does it Matter,” as a Zoom presentation on Thursday, March 3rd at 7 pm.


Janet reported that Chico State Professors Susan Roll and Jennifer Wilking will be the presenters at the first housing/homelessness program, “myths and realities.” This program is a partnership with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) and will likely be on Zoom in May.


Do we want to form a partnership with OLLI? The partnership would involve sharing programming and space and cross-promoting events. Board members discussed the pros and cons of entering into a partnership with OLLI and agreed that it would be a good idea to have some cross-promotion of relevant events.


Do we want to move forward with the idea of hosting a movie and pizza night at the Social Chico apartments?


8. Voter Registration Drives – Preparation for Primary Election

Patty asked for ideas about events that might be good opportunities for voter registration tabling. Board members suggested (1) checking in with the Chico and Oroville Chambers of Commerce, (2) consulting the Chico News and Review online event calendar, (3) looking at the Action News Now community calendar, (4) tabling at various farmers markets, and (5) tabling at homeless camps and the pallet shelter site when it opens. Board members discussed making sure events are in compliance with public health guidelines and that people working at the events are comfortable with safety protocols.


9. Candidate Forum Preparation

Claire updated the board about upcoming candidate forums for the June primary and November general elections. She will need extra assistance and a reliable co-chair for the fall forums. The board will need to decide whether to hold the forums on Zoom, in person, or a mix.


10. Adjourn

Meeting adjourned at 6:33 pm.