Minutes March 2023

Minutes March 2023



League of Women Voters of Butte County

Board Meeting Minutes

March 14, 2023 

5:30 pm 


Board Members Present:  Satsie Veith, Sandra Flake, Janet Rechtman, Toni Reid, Caroline Langen, Claire Greene, Marcia Moore

Guest: Maureen Kirk


  1.  Call to Order: 

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President Veith.

 2.  Approve Meeting Minutes

The minutes were approved as written.

 3.  Budget Committee Report

Maureen Kirk (chair) and Sandra Flake (Treasurer and member) reported on the proposed budget they recommend presenting to the members for approval at the annual meeting.  A detailed presentation of each item was given by Sandra Flake with some changes based on prior years’ expenses and income.   The board voted unanimous approval of the proposed budget.

 4.  Program planning: review Survey results/Approve program

President Veith presented proposals for the three committees: social, government and natural resources.  The Board contributed a number of suggestions a final version was agreed on: Social Policy:  Housing/Homelessness;  Healthcare; Criminal Justice /

Government:  Election Integrity; Combatting Misinformation; Encouraging Voter Participation; Nonpartisan Redistricting / Natural Resources:  Acting on Issues of Climate Change and Growth in Butte County

This framework will be presented at the annual meeting for adoption as the Program for 2023-2024.

 5.  Ongoing Use of Survey Monkey

Janet Rechtman presented a proposal for using Survey Monkey throughout the year to stay in touch with members and educate them on League positions.  This proposal was met with enthusiasm, and it was suggested that the program committees and other groups within the League might make good use of it.  Satsie stated an intention to use the President’s Discretion part of the budget to pay for the initial year.

 6. Annual Meeting Preparations

Satsie would like a report from each board member to be included in the packet for the annual meeting.  She would like those reports to be in to her by April 13.  Samples of prior year’s reports will be sent to each contributor.

 7. Volunteer Coordinator

Satsie and Janet Rechtman will be meeting with Nicole Drummond who may be interested in serving as a volunteer coordinator for the League.

 8. Board Member and Committee Reports

Janet Rechtman reported that her committee is awaiting the new chair, Becky Cox-White.

Claire Greene reported that she needs more assistance in voter services.  The possibility of a “speed dating” format for meeting candidates was brought up to expedite hearing from all candidates in one evening and at one location. 

Caroline Langen reported that two observers she had been hoping to recruit have declined but her work is going on.

 9. Convention Delegates: Approval of Delegates

Becky Cox-White, Janet Rechtman and Satsie Veith were approved as delegates to the annual state convention in San Francisco.  We are allowed four delegates so another may need to be approved at some future time.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:51 p.m.   the next meeting will be held on April 11 at 5:30 p.m. by Zoom.

Respectfully submitted, Marcia Moore