Minutes May 2020

Minutes May 2020



League of Women Voters of Butte County

Board Meeting Minutes

May 19, 2020  

6:30 pm, via Zoom



Members Present: Mahalley Allen, Abe Baily, Mary Kay Benson, Carol Burr, Sandra Flake, Andy Holcombe, Kathy Kaiser, Linda MacMichael, Elaina McReynolds, Toni Reid, William Todd-Mancillas, and Sharon Wallace


Guests Present: Debra Barger


  1. 1.     Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 6:31 pm.


  1. 2.     Approve April Meeting Minutes

The April meeting minutes were approved.

3.  Nomination Slate for 20-21 Open Positions

Debra Barger, Chair of the Nominating Committee, updated board members on the slate of nominees for open board positions. At the time of the meeting, the nominations are:


2nd Vice President: Roxanne Ferry

Treasurer: Sandra Flake

Director, Voter Registration Outreach: Patty Haley

Director, Assistant Voter Service: Kim Shaffer

Director, Communications: Lori Fuentes

Director, Countywide Liaison: Satsie Veith


This slate of nominees leaves the positions of 1st Vice President, Director of Social Policy, Director of Government, and Director of Natural Resources as vacant board positions.


The proposed 2021 Nominating Committee members are Elaina McReynolds (chair), Linda Lunsford, and Erika Montanez.


4.  Annual Meeting Agenda

Board members plan to have voice votes at the annual meeting unless a member requests written ballots prior to the meeting or there are nominations from the floor. Board members discussed the agenda and plans for the annual meeting. They will continue to monitor the public health situation as the meeting date gets closer. Board directors will not give oral reports but will be available for questions. Their reports will be available in the meeting packet.


Kathy Kaiser volunteered to be the Elections Chair at the annual meeting.


5.  USPS

Kathy Kaiser led a discussion about voting by mail and the future finances of the US Postal Service. She encouraged members to support the USPS as a way to support vote-by-mail options. 


6.  Other Business

Board members discussed the LWVUS annual convention happening on June 26-27th. Sandra Flake updated board members about the registration fee and plenary sessions for the convention. Board members discussed plans for our league’s three voting delegates.


Carol Burr updated board members on the health of a board member and thanked board members for their work over the past year. Linda MacMichael reminded the board of its activities and programs over the past year and also thanked board members. Board members thanked Linda and Carol for their work on the board. Everyone agreed to get together in person to celebrate their work when conditions change. 


7.  Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 7:17 pm.