Minutes November 2022

Minutes November 2022



League of Women Voters of Butte County

Board Meeting Minutes

November 9, 2022  

5:30 pm 


Members Present:  Satsie Veith, Sandra Flake, Toni Reid, Janet Rechtman, Caroline Langen, Marcia Moore, Claire Greene, Helen Gesick


  1. Call to Order. Meeting called to order at 5:33 p.m. by President Satsie Veith.
  2. Approve meeting Minutes. The minutes for the October board meeting were approved as submitted and read.  Marcia Moore agreed to be designated note taker for the meeting. 
  3. 501c3 update.  Sandra Flake reported that the meeting to vote to amend the Article of Incorporation is set for November 14.  Tom Carson will join the meeting.  Mahalley will be secretary for the meeting.  A quorum of 15% of the current 173 members will be required and is expected.  The vote will be via digital poll.  Marcia Moore will count the number of members present.  The meeting will be recorded. 
  4. Treasurer’s report.  Sandra Flake reported that the taxes have been completed and filed and are available for review. 
  5. NVCF fundraiser.  Helen Gesick reported that NVCF will have a digital crowdfunding on November 29 (nationwide Giving Day) and we need to provide pictures and text advertising the League for this.  Discussion was held and Sandra Flake and Janet Rechtman will assist Helen and Jane Wanderer in preparation. 
  6. Forum Complaints.   Discussion was held about some complaints that were made to the League about the Congressional District Forum regarding an impression of bias on the part of the moderator.  Claire Green reported that reports were made to the state and the representative of State LWV was that the moderator was not at fault.  Discussion was also held about the “one chair” rule and it was reported that it is not only a League rule but based on an FCC ruling.  It was recommended that further discussion about this issue be held as it may be important for future elections. 
  7. Board Member Reports.  Toni Reid reported that the third and final water program was held last Thursday.  The programs have been very well received. Janet Rechtman reported that the group presenting on homelessness will be planning their final program for February.  Consideration is being given to a presentation on criminal justice reform for the following session.  Marcia Moore reported for membership that she will write a reminder about annual dues which will be sent out – one in late November and one in early December.  Telephone calls will probably start in early January for delinquent renewals.  Caroline Langen reported that she has five new observer recruits.  Discussion was held about responsibilities of the observers and Carolyn will be conferring with new recruits about some of the ideas presented. 
  8. Holiday Party.  It was decided to have a holiday open house at the office on December 8 from 4:30-6:30. Linda Lunsford will be asked for help and Sandra and others on the board will help with refreshments as needed.  
  9. January Meeting.  It was decided to have the winter meeting in February as has sometimes been done in the past as it is the anniversary month of the League and it will help with planning.  Rather than a single speaker, the theme will be how members can participate in activities of the League with spokespeople from the Board presenting. We will ask First Baptist for a Saturday morning date in February. 
  10. Upcoming LWV Activities.  Satsie described a statewide program of local chapter volunteers interviewing current legislators.  It was decided that Satsie will forward the League’s email describing the program to our members.  If there is enough interest, those members will be asked to utilize the program packets to guide their participation. 
  11. Newsletter. Satsie is hoping to get a newsletter out in early December.  Lori Fuentes will continue to put it together, but we still need a newsletter editor. 
  12. Fundraising/Nominating Committees.  Discussion deferred in the interest of time. 
  13. Budget Committee.  Sandra Flake will need two or three volunteers for the budget committee whose work will start in December.  Maureen Kirk was suggested and Janet Rechtman volunteered.         

The meeting was adjourned at 7:07 p.m.  The next meeting will be held by zoom at 5:30 p.m. on December 13.

Respectfully submitted, Marcia Moore