Minutes October 2023

Minutes October 2023



League of Women Voters of Butte County

Board Meeting Minutes

October 10, 2023 

5:30 pm Zoom

Board Members present:  Satsie Veith, Janet Rechtman, Sandra Flake, Caroline Langen, Toni Reid, Claire Greene, Marcia Moore


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m.



The minutes for the September Board Meeting were approved as written.


Financial Report

Treasurer Sandra Flake reported that we are doing well financially, due in part to so many new members.   She also reported that Altacal is not happy with internet connection.  She will check into changing service to Xfinity and consult with Janet and Satsie about the change.


Budget Committee:  Toni Reid volunteered to serve on the committee.  We need one additional non-board-member to serve. 


Further committee and board reports:  Becky Cox-White has submitted a written resignation from the board.  Discussed need to recruit more board members.  Satsie and Janet will follow up with new member who has expressed interest.


Toni reported that, while watching the Board of Supervisors meeting today, she learned of a new plan to create pre-approved plan for an additional dwelling unit which would help people in fire zones to rebuild.


Janet said the Social Policy Committee will meet later this month.  They are considering a periodic letter to members with ways to get involved in housing/homelessness/health care, etc. 


Toni also reported the Natural Resources committee is having a meeting with a meteorologist to talk about understanding weather patterns and influence on water in the state.  This may be a good program for member meeting in January. 


There was discussion of timing of programs and member meetings given the March 5 primary.   



Pre-Election Programs:  During the meeting, Claire communicated by email with Keaton Denlay and he expressed interest in doing a program on Butte County Elections. 


Volunteer Organization:  There was discussion about how to motivate volunteers, such as a list of specific tasks for voter services, voter registration, etc, maybe a zoom meeting with new members.  Janet and Claire will get started on a plan.



Adjourned at approximately 7 PM.


Submitted by Janet Rechtman and Satsie Veith