Social Policy: Housing

Social Policy: Housing

Support of programs adequate to meet the housing needs of Butte County residents – to provide equality of opportunity and an adequate supply of housing for all socioeconomic groups.
Position In Brief: 

1. Foster non-discrimination practices.

2. Eliminate substandard housing by backing code enforcement in county and cities for the benefit and safety of the general public.

3. Support of programs that use private as well as public funds.

4. Urge local government to seek adequate funding for federal housing programs:

  • a.   Support additional housing programs for the elderly, the very low income, migrant labor, and the homeless.
  • b.   Encourage small developments, such as low income housing, dispersed throughout the community in preference to a large development.

5. Support development of additional residential care facilities, both self-supporting and subsidized.

6. Support adequate off-site improvements, such as sewers, sidewalks, adequate streets, drainage, curbs, lights, fire hydrants, and parking for all housing.

7. Support increased density such as “Planned Area Clusters” with adequate open space as a possible way to minimize site and service costs of conventional housing.

8. Support the Landlord-Tenant Grievance Resolution Board.

9. Encourage coordination of housing efforts between cities and county – private and public sectors.

10. Support adherence of local government to HUD Guidelines:

  • a.   Support meeting the legal requirements of citizen orientation and partici­pation in redevelopment programs.
  • b.   Support energy conservation in all HUD sponsored redevelopment pro­grams.
  • c.   Encourage local government entities to provide interim relocation housing for people displace by code enforcement and other public acts.

11.  Support limited rent control on homes rehabilitated through low-interest govern­ment loans.

12.  Support local condo conversion regulation to insure that condo conversion does not threaten adequate housing supply for all socioeconomic groups.

Homelessness Action Policy (State)

Position on Housing and Homelessness (State)

Position History: 

Restudy and Update, 1977 - 1978
Reviewed and Clarified, 1992


League to which this content belongs: 
Butte County