Natural Resources

Natural Resources

Land Use, Solid Waste Management, Transportation, Water
Position In Brief: 

LAND USE Revised 1989, 2002

Support general plans and ordinances for cities in the Claremont area which include concern for social health, economic health, and an environment beneficial to all life. The plans should include all State mandatory elements and optional elements that are important for the uniqueness and needs of the community, i.e., energy, fiscal, recreation/education technology, and governance. Sustainability should be a theme throughout the general plan.

A method should be devised so that policies from existing master plans and specific plans are included in the plans. An Environment Impact Report (EIR) shall be prepared for the plans. It should be reflected throughout the plans and the entire EIR should be a part of the general plan appendix. Support for regular review of general plans that will include the required State yearly review by the planning commissions and a ten-year review and revision by the entire community. Broad based citizen education and participation should be a part of general plan amendment or revision. This participation might include city website, city newsletter, cable TV, a LWV speakers bureau, a citizens futures fair, issue identification workshops, position paper workshops, school projects for and with children, and appointed task forces and/or committees. Support policies to acquire, preserve, and/or create greenbelt, wilderness, plant, wildlife, natural resource, geologically unique, wilderness park, and other open space areas.  Support the annexation of all land in a City’s sphere of influence. Encourage the formation of a quasi-governmental local Conservancy under an independent board to hold open space land, and the use of a wide variety of ways of financing land preservation. In the case of Claremont implement the hillside ordinance and support the evaluation of annexation in terms of their long-range environmental, social and economic costs and benefits. Support a system of well-located parks for present and future needs. Encourage creative solutions to new residential development. Encourage communication and cooperation with the Regional Planning Commission, and urge San Bernardino and Los Angeles Counties and other jurisdictions to implement these policies.


Support actions by local government to promote solid waste reduction, including, but not limited to, providing services and information which advocate waste prevention, recycling, composting and green waste programs. Support education of the public towards ecological and long term waste management ethic, including high technology approaches to waste information.

TRANSPORTATION Adopted 1973: revised 1981

Support transportation systems for the Claremont area based on actual need with priority given to environmental, health, social, and safety factors. Support for a balanced and coordinated network of public transportation agencies to provide mobility for all residents in Claremont area, financing provided by revenues from fares and subsidies from all levels of government; and improved city circulation plans especially for commercial vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians. Support energy conservation, air pollution control measures and encouragement of alternatives to the automobile.

WATER Adopted 2006

Support for policies, decisions, and practices that recognize clean and adequate water as essential to human life. Support for public ownership of water rights and utilities as vital public resources to ensure that public goals and purposes are reflected in policies and rates, including the prevention of any future acquisition of water resources by any non-public entity, international cartel, or other private interest or operation. Support for rate-setting based on actual costs of operation, with attention to economic fairness, taking into account costs of supplying water and quantity used, and recognizing, regardless of ownership, the inevitability of continued increases in water costs and ongoing maintenance expenses. Support for transparency in operations and rate-setting with regular reports to the public of financial records and policy decisions. Support for planning, development, maintenance, and operation of the water system in the best interest of residents and environment, with attention to long range issues of sustainability: conservation, recycling and reuse, reduction of urban run-off, coordination of surface water and ground water supplies, and increased efforts to limit use of imported water. Support for public acquisition of the local water system, converting the privately owned company to a city-owned water company by the use of public financing, believing that public control is worth the cost, even if high, and has long-range advantages to rate-payers and to the community.

League to which this content belongs: 
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