Join an Online Interest Group

Join an Online Interest Group

List serv, discussion groups, California, issues, grassroots, League of women Voters

Interest Groups You Can Join via Google Groups

As we increasingly move into the digital world and our LWVC advocacy team expands, good practice requires that we institute guidelines for participating in our online communities. By signing up and participating in a LWVC Interest Group you agree to adhere to these guidelines:

Join the Discussion

Below is a list of list servs and other groups operated by LWVC and its volunteers. For questions or issues joining a group, please reach out to communications [at]

Advocacy Interest Group

Moderators: Gloria Chun Hoo, LWVC Vice President for Advocacy and Program, and Dora Rose, LWVC Deputy Director. The lwvc-advocacy group is a forum for discussion of League action. It's available for sharing action activities, both statewide and local, and asking for information or advice from other League members. Join the lwvc-advocacy Google group by emailing communications [at] [at] (

Voter Service Interest Group

Moderator: cmoongoldberg [at] (Carol Moon Goldberg), LWVC Past President. The Voter Service group provides a forum for League voter service volunteers and leaders to share information, ideas, and resources. Join the lwvc-voter-service Google group by emailing communications [at]

Climate Change Interest Group

Moderator: Diz Swift, LWVC Climate Change Program Director. This is a group for sharing ideas and discussion about local league activity around climate change, and sharing relevant resources and articles about climate change topics. Join the lwvc-climate-change Google group by emailing climatechange [at]  

Criminal Justice Reform Interest Group

Moderators: Ashley Raveche, Carolina Goodman, and Maxine Anderson. At our 2019 Convention, the LWVC adopted a new Criminal Justice position.  This group supports the use of that position at a state and local level. Join the lwvc-criminal-justice Google group.

Healthcare Interest Group

Moderator: Marian Shostrom

The members of this list serv are getting up to speed on state healthcare issues and identifying possible areas for LWVC focus in the future. Join the conversation here or by emailing communications [at]

Housing and Homelessness Interest Group

Moderator: Teri Neustaedter

The members of this group are tracking the state of housing and homelessness in California and identifying opportunities for education. Join the conversation or email communications [at] to join.

Immigration Interest Group

Moderator: Beryl Flom

This brand new group is a forum for Leagues to share their local efforts and to stay on top of statewide immigration policy. Please email communications [at] to join.

Local Redistricting Interest Group

Moderator: Helen Hutchison, LWVC Director. A group for discussing redistricting in California — only local redistricting. Join the group here or by emailing communications [at] You will need to be signed into your gmail account to request access to the group.

Money in Politics Interest Group

Moderator: hhutchison [at] (Helen Hutchison,) LWVC Director. The Money in Politics listserv is for discussion of money in politics, also known as campaign finance reform, in California. Join the lwvc-MIP Google group by emailing communications [at] [at] (

Open Government Interest Group

Moderator: hhutchison [at] (Helen Hutchison), LWVC Director and Martha Beattie, LWVC Open Government Position Director. This interest group is for LWVC members to discuss open government issues. Please email communications [at] to join.

Program Planning Interest Group

Moderator: hhutchison [at] (Helen Hutchison), LWVC Director. The California Program Planning listserv is for discussion of potential program planning ideas with other League members. All League members are invited to join. It’s a place to encourage others to join your cause, try out an idea, discuss various proposals, find help to refine a rough idea. Bring your ideas— we’ll have a great League discussion! Join the lwvc-program-planning Google groupProgram Planning is a process that takes place every two years. The next round of Program Planning will begin in late Autumn 2022 and will culminate in the LWVC Convention in 2023.

Sheriff Oversight Interest Sub-Group

Moderators: Norma Nelson & Veronica Jones. Join the group here or email communications [at] You will need to be signed into your gmail account to request access to the group.

Water Interest Group

Moderator: Jane Wagner-Tyack, LWVC Water Interest Group chair. This group provides a forum for California League members to discuss regional and inter-regional water issues. Join the lwvc-water Google group here or email communications [at]

National Communications for League Members

LWVUS offers many ways to communicate like Facebook, Twitter, and their email newsletter. To get to the national site for members, click on "League Management" in the bottom right of every page of their site.