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Submitted by California in September 2019.
Action Alerts
Fair Rules = Fair Maps. Take action now:
Act now and help us get the job done!
Submitted by California in August 2019.
Demand your Legislator vote YES on SB 54 & AB 1080
Restore voting rights for 50,000 Californians
Contact your Representatives today and tell them that our democracy needs a fully restored Voting Rights Act.
Submitted by California in June 2019.
Tell your lawmakers it’s time for Congress to restore the Voting Rights Act!
Pledge to vote yes and reclaim $11 billion for schools and communities
Submitted by California in May 2019.
Make local redistricting fair and transparent. Yes on AB 849!
Pass The People's Maps Acts and stop gerrymandering abuse!
Act now and urge your Senator to vote YES on SB 72 to expand Election Day Registration