Outreach Tools

Outreach Tools

community outreach toolkit

PDF icon Voter Fraud Myth Busters (published October 2020) - An overwhelming majority of Californians - and Americans as a whole - support vote-by-mail in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak. However, myths and rumors have emerged challenging the integrity of vote-by-mail elections. The League of Women Voters of California has created this explainer to dispel common vote-by-mail myths.

Voting in California Jails: A Community Toolkit (published August 2020) - The vast majority of adult citizens in California county jails have the right to vote, yet these voters experience unique obstacles when they reach for the ballot box. As a result, many eligible voters are disenfranchised each election purely because they are in jail. This toolkit describes strategies that concerned community advocates, county elections offices, and sheriffs can use to break down barriers to democracy by helping people in county jails to register and vote.

PDF icon Local Redistricting Toolkit (published March 2020, updated October 2020) We have prepared a guide to local redistricting for all Californians. It includes information about the rules and the timeline for redistricting, as well as how to be engage members of the public in the process. PDF icon Get the toolkit!

Voter's Choice Act Toolkit (published August 2019) - The Voter's Choice Act Toolkit is a compilation of resources and strategies to help local Leagues drive successful implementation of the Voter’s Choice Act. Built on the successes of local Leagues and other community groups in 2018, the toolkit is designed to assist you as your League promotes public understanding and helps put the VCA into practice.