85th Annual LWV-PA Meeting

85th Annual LWV-PA Meeting


Although we all fervently hope that this will have been our last virtual annual meeting, there was general agreement that it went off smoothly and demonstrated how we have learned to manage these pandemic-necessitated challenges. Before the meeting, all members received via email blast the complete 2020–21 Annual Meeting Kit, which included documentation for items voted on at the meeting and reports from the president and our committees summarizing and assessing the events and developments of the past, truly exceptional, year. Members are urged to save the Kit and refer to it often.

Nearly 60 members attended the meeting. President Martha Zavala opened it with a tribute to Anne Wolf, Nominating Committee Chair in 2020–21, who died unexpectedly shortly before the meeting. A longtime dedicated leader with the League and other community groups, Anne will be deeply missed. Martha introduced the Annual Meeting officials. Then Membership Committee Chair Cheryl Rose announced that our membership count as of May 2021 was 312. The number present satisfied the required quorum of 31, so Martha declared the business meeting open. After approving the minutes from the June 2020 annual meeting and the proposed order of business for the 2021 meeting, members present considered and voted to approve the following key items to guide our path during the upcoming year, 2021–22. All were included in full in the Annual Meeting Kit.

Priorities for Education and Advocacy

Priorities were developed by the membership at the January Program Planning Meeting and recommended by the Board for approval. They represent the areas that the general membership felt should be the focus for overall LWV-PA activity in 2021–22, notably (not prioritized):

  • Civil Discourse and Education
  • Climate Change and the Environment
  • Housing and Homelessness
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The Board also recommended maintaining our core commitment to:

  • Making Democracy Work through Voter Engagement and Education
  • Fair and Open Elections and Government

It was noted that LWV-PA committees are also active in many other areas; attendees heard about these later in the program. The Priorities for Education and Advocacy for 2021–22 were approved by unanimous vote.


As proposed by the Budget Committee and recommended by the Board, the fiscal year 2021–22 is planned to show a net deficit between income and expenses. LWV-PA is fortunate to have more than adequate funds in savings and investments to cover the deficit, under our reserves policy, but the Budget Committee pointed out that over the next few years we will need to manage expenses and increase revenues from dues, fundraising, and/or donations. The proposed budget was approved by unanimous vote.

Revised Housing Position

The Housing Committee proposed, and the Board recommended, a major revision to our local housing position because the old position was too narrow in focus to be useful. It also required significant reorganization and tightening-up. The revision focused on affordable and stabilized housing. Separately, the Committee will look at homelessness causes and solutions. The new position was approved by majority vote.

2021–22 Board Directors, Officers, and Nominating Committee

The slate of Board Directors, Officers, and Nominating Committee for 2021–22 was presented by the 2020–21 Nominating Committee. Due to the death of Anne Wolf, the Membership director position is open. Units director and chair are also open. Nominations from the floor were invited. None was received. The slate was approved unanimously. The open positions will be filled by the Board; members are welcome to send suggestions to office [at] lwv-pa.org.

Amendment to LWV-PA Bylaws

Section 2.3 was added to Article II of the LWV-PA bylaws, specifying that LWV-PA is dedicated to ensuring compliance in principle and practice with the LWVUS Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policy. This was presented as information only, as this amendment was a LWVUS amendment, which all Leagues are required to implement.

After all votes were taken, Martha recognized the outgoing Board, welcomed the new Board, and shared her president’s vision for the coming year. It was a call to action. She congratulated Leaguers for our hard work during the 2020 election season and for meeting other challenges. Now we must intensify our efforts as we meet new challenges: the recall election for California’s governor, voter education, get out the vote and voter registration, redistricting, social justice, climate action, and more. The League needs to be informed and able to advise our communities and local governments concerning all issues. In particular, Martha would like us to seek out community leaders to speak for underrepresented groups to the California Redistricting Commission. (Training will be provided.)

Committee chairs spoke about the activities of their committees and plans for the coming year and urged all members interested in learning more to contact them. See the Grapevine section of this issue of the Voter for committee information and contacts.

The meeting was adjourned after the traditional spontaneous Advice to the Board comments from members, which will be acted on by the Board at upcoming meetings—more to be announced.

—Katherine Gavzy

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