April Board Meeting Summary

April Board Meeting Summary


The Board of Directors met via Zoom in April. Here is a summary:

  • Each committee is asked to have one member be their advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), aware of actions and advocacy that their committee can take to advance DEI in the League and the community.
  • The May Speak Easy will focus on DEI issues. The evening event will move to a Thursday, May 13, at 6:00 p.m.
  • The April 29 Day of Action included two speakers and an advocacy activity.
  • Preparations were made for the Annual Meeting. The Board and committee chairs will be gathering reports to be submitted to the membership at the Annual Meeting in June. This includes the proposed Budget for 2021–2022 as well as the Housing Subcommittee’s proposed position statement. (These are published in this issue of the Voter.)
  • Delegates to the LWVC Convention have been chosen. The League will reimburse them for their $75 registration fee.
  • The Social Justice Committee requested that the Board support the Pasadena Charter Amendment Initiative for rent control. The Board agreed to support it through informative email blasts.
  • Pepperdine graduate students are finalizing their survey of LWV-PA’s use of social media and outreach to members.
  • The New Member Orientation held on April 10 welcomed new League members via Zoom. It is expected that there will be more new member orientations in the future, and we hope they can be in-person meetings. New members will be contacted and encouraged to attend various committee meetings in order to see what each does and how they might be interested in participating.

—Jean Buennagel, Secretary

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