Call to the Annual Meeting, June 3, 2021

Call to the Annual Meeting, June 3, 2021


All LWV-PA current members are called to attend the 2021 Annual Meeting. This will be a virtual meeting, and the Zoom link to join the meeting will be provided to all who register at

At the meeting, members who are current with their dues as of May 2021 will be asked to vote on the following items:

  • Adopt overall LWV-PA program priorities for Education and Advocacy for 2021–2022, developed by members at the annual program planning meeting in January 2021 and proposed by the Board
  • Adopt a budget for 2021–2022, proposed by the Board
  • Vote on changes to the current LWV-PA local housing position, proposed by the Housing Subcommittee of the Social Justice Committee
  • Vote on the Nominating Committee slate of 2021–2022 officers, directors, and Nominating Committee members

Items to be voted on are included in this May 2021 issue of the Voter.

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