February Board Meeting Summary

February Board Meeting Summary


The Board of Directors met via Zoom in February. Here is a summary:

  • The Finance/Budget Committee is preparing the budget for next year. All the committees were advised to turn in their requests by February 25.
  • Bob and Elsa Pendleton are moving away from Pasadena to be closer to family. They will be greatly missed!
  • Speak Easy Saturdays will begin on March 6! These will be held via Zoom, 6:00–7:00 p.m. There will be breakout rooms to facilitate small-group discussions. We’ve been missing this kind of activity! For details, see the LWV-PA website and the flyer in this issue of the Voter. The Social Justice Committee will be distributing a survey to examine racial profiling in some of our communities.
  • Pepperdine graduate students will be helping us to look at our social media and website to see how they can be improved, especially to appeal to a more diverse membership.
  • Marilynne Wilander announced that we will not have a spring fundraiser. Instead she will send a letter requesting donations with the June membership notice.

—Jean Buennagel, Secretary

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