January Board Meeting Summary

January Board Meeting Summary


The Board of Directors met in both December and January via Zoom. Here is a summary:

  • Valerie Jones was appointed to replace Michelle White on the Board as the Social Justice Committee representative.
  • Marilynne Wilander’s hard work over the summer in creating and managing the Wonderful Wednesdays takeout food fundraiser earned the League $1500!
  • Thanks also to Marcia Baldeschwieler for sending our reminder emails.
  • Treasurer Joe DesBarres reported that our Vanguard account has earned almost $14,000 this year.
  • The Social Justice Committee has been busy. They will be working with the L.A. County League on a program concerning facial recognition surveillance. The program will be presented on February 21. The Social Justice Committee has also created a survey to be taken in a few of our area cities concerning the Racial and Identity Profiling Act (RIPA), which will be taking effect in 2022.
  • President Martha Zavala is interested in starting some small discussion groups and will be looking for volunteers to get this going with proposed discussion topics and Zoom help.
  • Since the membership count for our contribution to the League’s per-member payment has a deadline of January 31, it was decided that the same date will be the deadline for our Directory. It will be sent (as a digital version) to members shortly after that date.
  • Margan Zajdowicz, chair of the Healthcare Committee, received the news that the planned presenters for February’s Thursday with the League had to cancel due to the coronavirus surge in our area. She agreed to headline an alternative presentation in which she and Thad Zajdowicz will share information regarding the vaccines now available. See page 1 of this issue of the Voter. Thank you, Margan!

—Jean Buennagel, Secretary

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