The Board of Directors met via Zoom in March. Here is a summary:
▪ Bob and Elsa Pendleton will be leaving Pasadena in April. They will be missed!
▪ Elsa has compiled a file of excerpts from past Board meetings and is asking that it be put up on our website. She found some very interesting entries!
▪ The first Speak Easy Saturday in March was a success. See Martha Zavala’s recap in this issue of the Voter, and sign up for the April 10 Speak Easy at 6:00 p.m.
▪ Pepperdine graduate students will be doing an informal survey of committee members’ opinions of our use of social media, how we are welcoming new members, and how this can affect our DEI efforts.
▪ Rather than have a DEI Taskforce, Martha would like each committee to be responsible for keeping our DEI goals in mind as they do their work.
▪ There will be a New Member Orientation (via Zoom) on April 10 at 10:00 a.m. New members should watch their emails for this invitation! We will go back to announcing new members in the Voter.
▪ April 29 is being planned as a Redistricting Day of Action. More information will come later—watch the LWV-PA website.
▪ Because Chair Bob Pendleton will be leaving, the Immigration Committee welcomes Mary Ann Lutz as the new committee chair. Sharon Jarrett will be the committee’s new interim representative to the Board.
▪ Bonnie Skolnik was named interim chair of the Education Committee and will represent the committee on the Board.
▪ The Advocacy Committee—Anita Mackey and her team—met with Assemblymember Chris Holden as part of the Legislative Interview process. He has presented a bill that would allow the sale of the 710 Freeway properties owned by CalTrans. The properties have been sold to a nonprofit to be designated for affordable housing.
▪ The Housing Subcommittee has been working on a new position statement, which was approved by the Board for presentation to members at the Annual Meeting.
▪ The Housing Subcommittee will be considering joining a coalition of Los Angeles groups advocating for affordable housing.
▪ Plans are being made for the Annual Meeting on June 3.
—Jean Buennagel, Secretary