National League Plans Its Program for 2022–2024 and LWV-PA Participates

National League Plans Its Program for 2022–2024 and LWV-PA Participates



Every two years, LWVUS plans its education and advocacy priorities, and local Leagues across the country are invited to participate by responding to the National League’s recommended program. On January 20 via Zoom, LWV-PA members met in six break-out rooms to discuss the LWVUS recommendations and our response. Here is a summary of the response our Board will submit to LWVUS, based on the compilation of these discussions. —Katherine Gavzy

1. We support the proposed program focus, continuing the Campaign for Making Democracy Work®, which includes Voting Rights, Improving Elections, Redistricting, and Money in Politics.

2. Local Leagues were invited to recommend another program item, in addition to the Campaign for Making Democracy Work, by providing a statement describing the scope of our recommendation, including a description of the issue area, its importance in advancing the League’s mission, and the resources needed to carry out the recommendation.

LWV-PA Response:

a. The League of Women Voters Pasadena Area requests that the LWVUS increase its lobbying work in 2022–2024 to support legislation for comprehensive immigration reform and expanded path(s) to citizenship. Advancing residents toward citizenship fits right into the League's mission of Making Democracy Work.

It is time for bipartisan legislation that advances citizenship as well as border security. The role of LWVUS in consistent lobbying in support of such legislation, including DACA programs, would be an important contribution to the work toward reform and would reflect our core mission of Making Democracy Work.

While the LWVUS has made statements and calls to action, more energy is needed to achieve immigration reform.

b. LWV-PA recommends continued prioritization of climate change. Education and advocacy about climate change and greenhouse gas emission reduction are urgent. Accountability of elected leaders and transparent information on the climate crisis are essential.This is consistent with the LWVUS position on Natural Resources: “to support climate goals and policies … that will ensure a stable climate system for future generations.”

The LWV-PA is engaged in the LWVUS Climate Interest Group’s Ten Actions Initiative (2021). We request that the LWVUS communicate the Ten Actions Initiative throughout the LWV and advocate for legislation, policy, and funding consistent with the LWV Natural Resources position.

c. The League needs to give more than lip service to Meeting Basic Human Needs by tackling the Affordable Housing Crisis.

d. Policing in the United States continues to be plagued with racial profiling, excessive force, and lack of transparency. The League should put more of its efforts into addressing these.

The LWV-PA committees will work with LWVUS and Leagues around the country on these issues.

3. Which areas of the 2020–2022 national program priorities (Voting Rights, Improving Elections, Money in Politics, Redistricting) within the Campaign for Making Democracy Work® has your League worked on during the current biennium?

LWV-PA Response:

Our League worked within our local service area of thirteen municipalities to advance the Campaign for Making Democracy Work by speaking for campaign finance contribution limits at city councils, advocating for city council elections by districts not at large, supporting community education and outreach on redistricting, active Get out the Vote campaigns, and public online and broadcast programs with speakers on voting rights.

4. Please provide anything else you would like to share on Program Planning. Keep your response to 300 words or less.

LWV-PA Response:

LWV-PA would like to see more action from LWVUS on the following:

a. Promoting civics education nationally at all school levels
b. Helping local Leagues communicate more effectively by providing tool kits
c. Encouraging and training volunteer poll watchers and other grass-roots election management volunteers
d. Leveraging our reputation and credibility to take back our role in the national candidate debates
e. Working to promote nonpartisan citizens redistricting commissions in all states

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