President’s Message

President’s Message


This is a time for looking back as we lean forward.

In looking back at our centennial year, we can be proud of the work the League has done to ensure that our democracy continues to withstand some of the greatest challenges it has faced in a long time. Through our collective efforts working with friends and partners, we have fought voter suppression, social injustice, and COVID-19.

I want to thank all our supporters, members, and volunteers and express my deepest gratitude for the work that you did to make 2020 a successful year of advocacy, voter education, and community engagement. Through your efforts, we reached more than 15,000 voters and residents during the March Primary and November Presidential Elections, helped pass the California Racial Justice Act, distributed census information to residents to increase their participation, transformed our League events into virtual sessions while increasing attendance and advancing toward our goals—all with the highest level of professionalism and goodwill.

None of this work would have been possible without the outstanding leadership of our Board and committee chairs. You have my thanks for your excellent service to our League and members of our service community.

However, “There’s no rest for the weary.” Efforts are already under way to plan the work we need to do in 2021. The coming year promises to be just as busy and exciting as 2020. With the threat of COVID-19 still looming (and getting worse), we will plan voter education and issue advocacy events around our newly enhanced technology platforms. Stay tuned over the next few weeks to hear more about our plans to ensure that new district lines are drawn fairly, voters understand social justice issues in need of redress (including immigration reform and universal health care), and we engage in an all-out effort to finally pass the Equal Rights Amendment.

As we lean forward, let us pause and rejoice in each other, our friends, and our families. I hope you all enjoy the December holidays in a safe and healthy manner. Come to a virtual celebration of the winter season! Please join us on December 12, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom to ring in the holidays with music, the spirit of giving, and good cheer. Although this year has been particularly difficult for many of us, it helps to share both our sorrows and joys as we look forward to a better year than the one we have just experienced. To borrow a phrase, "Go, eat your bread with enjoyment, and drink with a merry heart.”

Happy holidays and happy New Year!


—Martha Y. Zavala

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