Program Planning for 2015 - 16

Program Planning for 2015 - 16



January 8
Women’s City Club

Photos of the event are here

The room was buzzing on January 8 as forty LWV-PA members conducted our annual review of state and local positions and our priorities for education and advocacy in the coming year. Here is quick summary of results.

State positions: There was concurrence on all state propositions, with the recommendation to modify the Natural Resources section by including the State League's "issue" on climate change as a position. In addition, the group voted to support the initiatives promoted by two other Leagues dealing with “death with dignity” and supporting a livable minimum wage. We will include these recommendations in our report to the LWV California for action at the state convention in May.

Local positions: There was concurrence with all local propositions.

LWV-PA Issues for Education and Advocacy in 2015–2016: Table discussions proposed a wide range of issues for LWV-PA action, with top vote getters listed below. Committees will discuss how we might implement these options, with a final vote on the top three or four issues at the Annual Meeting on June 4.

Votes    Issue
17    Minimum/livable wages
17    Police oversight commission
16    Education to reduce personal carbon footprint
14    Support Pasadena Integrated Resource Planning process
13    Status of school libraries in our service area: investigate/advocate
13    Increase voter engagement of youth and other underrepresented groups
11    Equity in education

—Marge Nichols, Director of Events

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