Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2020–2021

Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2020–2021


Finance Committee Report to LWV-PA Membership

The Finance/Budget Committee of the League of Women Voters Pasadena Area proposes an operating budget for the 2020–2021 fiscal year that reduces nonessential expenses in order to work toward a balanced budget. This budget also acknowledges reductions in fundraising due to the probable continuing restrictions on “in-person” events. For example, the Ice Cream Social is reimagined as a website event and donation solicitation.

The uncertainties created by the COVID-19 outbreak will require the LWV-PA Finance Committee to revisit the next fiscal year’s budget several times before the year’s end. For example, projected income from memberships will be evaluated at the end of the summer and may have to be reduced, though we hope this will not be the case.

—Patty Murar, Budget/Finance Committee Chair

Budget table

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