September Board Meeting

September Board Meeting


Members of the LWV-PA Board met in September. Here are some highlights:

«  The LWV Pasadena holiday celebration has tentatively been scheduled for December 11 at the Blinn House. Time, details, and where to register will soon be announced.

«  Communications Chair Dorothy Keane strongly encouraged Board members and committee chairs to update their committees’ information on our website.

«  This year, LWV Pasadena will allow bids for the Ice Cream Social silent auction to be submitted through email. The list of items for auction is not yet available—please watch your email for further details.

«  Volunteers are needed to help with both the Ice Cream Social and the celebration of the League’s 90th anniversary. If you’re interested in volunteering for the Ice Cream Social, please contact Marilynne Wilander at development [at] If you’re interested in helping with the 90th anniversary, contact Martha Zavala at lwv01zavala [at]

—Submitted by Kelsey Green, Secretary

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