What a Success!

What a Success!



After two years without our Ice Cream Social celebration, LWV-PA members, friends, and family were definitely ready to enjoy fun and fellowship together on Sunday afternoon, October 9, in the wonderful outdoor setting on the banks of the Arroyo. More than 120 of us enjoyed fabulous Fosselman’s rich vanilla ice cream or tasty sorbet covered with fresh fruit, chocolate sauce, and other tasty toppings. Folks were busy bidding on the more than 100 Silent Auction items for sale, sharing ideas at the Advocacy/Voter Registration table, trying to figure out the answers to the Voter Quiz, enjoying background music by father/daughter duo Mark and Megan Goldstein, and especially reconnecting with old friends and making new friends.

Our twin goals of friend-raising and fund-raising exceeded expectations. We grossed more than $11,000 with a net profit of approximately $10,000! In addition to several hundred hours of work, many donated supplies. Fosselman’s donated their ice cream, and the Western Justice Center generously donated the use of The Maxwell House and the grounds. A special thank-you to the more than 104 official Ice Cream Social sponsors listed in the following pages.

The Silent Auction room was buzzing with activity. Our many generous sponsors made the Silent Auction lots of fun AND raised more than $4,000, which is included in our totals and which will be used in support of our important work. Thanks to the 62 Silent Auction donors, who are also listed in the following pages. Without you, there would have been no Silent Auction. Gail Rolf and Vicki Thompson spearheaded this important time-consuming task.

Our Ice Cream Social team members (indicated with an asterisk in the following list) have been working since the beginning of the summer. These fabulous friends were Ice Cream Social workers on that day:


We owe you our gratitude—it does take a village! Our members are our greatest asset. We appreciate those members who introduced LWV-PA to friends by bringing them to the Social. Don’t forget to share the good news about LWV-PA with your friends! THANKS TO EACH OF YOU WHO PARTICIPATED BY JOINING US AND/OR BEING A SPONSOR. J

—Marilynne Kennedy Wilander



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