Planning for 2022—National and Local League Priorities for Education and Advocacy
Thursday, January 20, at 10:00 a.m., greet the new year together with fellow Leaguers. Help chart the course of both LWVUS and LWV-PA for 2022–2023 and enjoy stimulating table discussions. This is your chance to make your voice heard as we develop our recommended Priorities for Education and Advocacy at both the national and local levels.
In preparation for the National Convention in June 2022, LWVUS has asked all Leagues to reaffirm and respond to the National Board’s recommended program for 2022–2024: to continue The Campaign for Making Democracy Work® by working on:
- voting rights
- improving elections
- money in politics
- redistricting
This is the Pasadena Area’s opportunity to tell the National League how we have been applying these priorities in our League work, as well as to make our own recommendation of an additional issue of critical importance for the League to emphasize at the national level. We anticipate lively discussions as we consider the many areas of interest to our committees: education, healthcare, immigration, natural resources, social justice . . . the list goes on.
Members participating in the program planning meeting will also reconsider our own priorities for the LWV-PA service area. Here are the 2021–2022 priorities approved by members at our Annual Meeting in June 2021:
Civil Discourse and Education
- Support and monitor civics education in educational materials at all levels, K–12
- Promote adult education in civics and civil discourse through public forums, with a focus on critical understanding of social media and misinformation
- Work to expand universal internet access
- Promote civil discourse in all activities
Climate Change and the Environment
- Expand and deepen partnerships with other engaged organizations within our communities
- Work for environmental justice
- Support and monitor local municipal climate action plans
Housing and Homelessness
- Advocate for affordable housing
- Provide information on local housing elements and access to affordable housing
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Incorporate DEI goals into all our activities
- Create and support special student membership groups in local schools and colleges
- Emphasize outreach to underrepresented communities for events, membership, and leadership development
- Build and use tools for expanding our impact throughout the cities of our service area, e.g., “Know Your Town” projects and Observer Corps at city councils and commissions
- Support the expanded presence of women in elected and appointed offices in our service area, starting with gathering and maintaining data
Note: LWV-PA maintains, as a continuing priority, the League of Women Voters’ core commitment to the Making Democracy Work program for voter engagement and education and for fair and open elections and government.
We may choose to retain priorities, modify/update them, or delete and replace some or all of them with new priorities for 2022–2023. Recommendations from this meeting will be reviewed and approved by the LWV-PA Board and presented for approval to members at the 2022 Annual Meeting.
We eagerly look forward to seeing everyone as we prepare to keep making democracy work in our country and at home.