We need your help!
Voter Registration - volunteer to staff an event where you help voters register or re-register to be eligible to vote in the upcoming election.Voter Registration volunteers are also part of our program to run mock elections in high schools.
Candidate Forums - These events require more advanced roles such as moderator and question screeners, but also need pages (collecting questions from the audience) or timekeepers.
Speakers' Bureau - During election season our speakers present non-partisan informative talks on state and local ballot propositions. If you're new to Speakers' Bureau we'll pair you up with a veteran Speaker to teach you the ropes. Speakers meet up in advance to research the ballot measures. Year-round the Speakers' Bureau also presents other informative talks to community groups.
Voters Edge - The site http://votersedge.org/ca provides free ballot information, including candidate statements and non-partisan information about ballot initiatives. Voters Edge volunteers work with candidates to get their information uploaded and add non-partisan information about local measures.
Join a Committee - If you are new to the League or have not previously volunteered on a committee, don’t worry. We provide all the training and support you will need, and are happy to accept whatever time commitment works for you. Join one of our standing committees or volunteer at one of our member events.
Communications - Work in collaboration with the Board Outreach team to support our League's key issues and initiatives with communications including: talking points, one-pagers, press releases, letters to the editor, social media posts, photography, videography, video editing, newsletter, and website.
CONTACT US - Email: lwvriverside [at] gmail.com Phone: 951.479.2090