All Sample Basic Site Subscribed Action Alerts

SB 212, rank choice voting, local elections, California, Governor Newsom

Action Alerts

Open up options for voting methods promoting majority-winners

advocacy, grassroots, california, League of women voters, SB72, SB139, Ab 849

Action Alerts

Help us secure these three signatures and pass these bills!

photo of gun

Action Alerts

Now is the time for Congress to step up and pass common-sense gun violence prevention reforms, such as universal background checks, closing the gun show loophole, and banning assault weapons.

Tell your Senators to pass the Bipartisan Background Checks Act and take a stand against the epidemic of gun violence.

people maps act action alert, sb 139, California, gerrymandering, redistricting, political power, LWV

Action Alerts

End abuse of political minorities voting power:

fair maps, redistricting, California, LWV, gerrymandering, AB 849

Action Alerts

Fair Rules = Fair Maps. Take action now:

easy voter guide, voting, elections, california. primary, nonpartisan

Action Alerts

Act now and help us get the job done!

Yes on SB54, Yes on AB 1080, stop plastic waste, climate change, microplastics

Action Alerts

Demand your Legislator vote YES on SB 54 & AB 1080

Free the vote action alert - Tell the Assembly Yes on ACA6, voting rights, CAlifornia, elections, representation

Action Alerts

Restore voting rights for 50,000 Californians

Restore the VRA, voting rights, CAlifornia, League of women voters

Action Alerts

Contact your Representatives today and tell them that our democracy needs a fully restored Voting Rights Act.

Action Alerts

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