LWV National Program Planning

LWV National Program Planning

Wednesday, February 16, 2022 - 10:30am to 12:30pm

Please join League members via Zoom for a lively discussion of topics we would like to see as part of our National Program during 2022-2024. Please email: league080 [at] gmail.com if you wish to attend this meeting, and you will receive the necessary Zoom link.

At the National League Convention in 2020, delegates voted to support a program that would fully utilize core League positions around Voting Rights and Election Reform, called The Campaign for Making Democracy Work. The campaign includes Voting Rights, Improving Elections, Redistricting and Money in Politics. We will be discussing what constitutes the League's work in these areas, and if we want to continue emphasizing this work. We are also able to discuss other topics that fit within League's positions. To see all of our current positions, go to the Positions section of this website.