Lake County State's Attorney and First Assistant State's Attorney

Lake County State's Attorney and First Assistant State's Attorney

Lake County, IL


Virtual Zoom Meeting
Wednesday, March 30, 2022 - 7:00pm

LWV Highland Park-Highwood and Deerfield Area Local Leagues are joining the Deerfield and Waukegan branches of AAUW to invite you to a Zoom meeting with Lake County State's Attorney and First Assistant.  

The March 30 program features Lake County State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart and First Assistant/Chief Deputy of the Criminal Division Sharmila Manak. Join us and learn about their belief that “moral prosecution equals a fairer society that nurtures the worth of every individual regardless of class, race, or gender.” Recently, Mr. Rinehart announced a new collaboration called the Lake County Human Trafficking Task Force that “aims to free those being forced into labor or commercial sex work and bring offenders to justice.”

Here is the Zoom Meeting Information:

The Deerfield and Waukegan branches of AAUW, as well as the Deerfield Area and Highland Park-Highwood local leagues of LWV are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: AAUW/LWV MARCH PROGRAM: Lake County State's Attorney and First Assistant to Speak
Time: Wednesday, Mar 30, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time 

Join Zoom Meeting

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