Our September 2023 Book Club selection is Genesis by Bernard Beckett.
Goodreads describes this as a "brilliant novel of dazzling ingenuity" that "leads us into a future where we are confronted with unresolved questions raised by science and philosophy. Centuries old, these questions have gained new urgency in the face of rapidly developing technology. What is consciousness? What makes us human? If artificial intelligence were developed to a high enough capability, what special status could humanity still claim? Outstanding and original, Beckett’s dramatic narrative comes to a shocking conclusion."
Please email jamn148 [at] gmail.com (subject: Contact%20Nancy%20Goldberg%20for%20LWV%20Book%20Club%20Information) (Nancy Goldberg) to obtain Zoom information or to add new people to our Book Club mailing list. The Book Club meetings are held the last Tuesday of every month.