Women's March January 18th 2020

Women's March January 18th 2020

LWVIL Women's March Jan 2020


Lobby LWVIL Offices
332 S Michigan Ave
Chicago Illinois 60604
Illinois US
Saturday, January 18, 2020 - 10:00am to Sunday, January 19, 2020 - 2:45pm
March with LWVIL!
This year, the Chicago Women’s March will be hosting TWO marches! The first, on Saturday, January 18, 2020. Let’s show the people power of the League! We are “in charge” of the sidewalk on the last block of the 5 block march (Adams between State and Dearborn), which is themed GET OUT THE VOTE. You are welcome to march with friends and carry whatever sign you’d like OR;
  • Secure your parking spot ahead of time. Utilize parking apps like Spot Hero and Park Whiz to pay for your parking in advance of the march day. (Please reach out to other local League members to travel together and lessen your carbon footprint.)
  • Plan to walk over to the march site between 10:45 a.m. - 11 a.m.
  • Posters will be available for all, but you can also bring your own. (Please note that if you are marching with LWVIL, your signs will need to be non-partisan.)
  • The march is "Going Green" and has asked all marchers and organizations to eliminate all flyers and sign up sheets. The League will be using SMS text message to engage with other marchers. More information will be made available closer to the march.
  • Sign up for the March to help to organize numbers and to receive further details.
  • Our block has been assigned RED. Let’s show how many League members are at the march by wearing red.
We hope to see you on January 18th!
Questions? Please reach out to LWVIL Voter Services Co-Chairs jdorner [at] lwvil.org (Jan Dorner )andkkenny [at] lwvil.org ( Kathy Kenny.)