Join Form

Join Form

Please fill out and submit this form to join the League of Women Voters Jackson County. A copy of your submitted form will be emailed to you. Print the form and mail it with your check (payable to LWV Jackson County) to:

League of Women Voters of Jackson County
P.O. Box 1204

Carbondale, IL 62902

Mail-In Membership Form

You may join as a single member or dual members from the same household.

Dues are not tax deductible. Please write your check to: The League of Women Voters of Jackson County.

first & last name of joining member(s)
If joining as a household, please provide the secondary member's first & last name.
mobile or home phone number
Please provide the secondary member's mobile or home phone number, if different from your own.
If joining as a household, please provide the secondary member's email address.
Please specify your membership dues amount. You can also include a donation on top of your membership dues payment.
Please confirm you are human to prevent spam submissions.
After submitting this form, a copy will be emailed to you. Please print and mail the from with check.
Contact us for more information.