45th Annual Recognition Lunch Join the Winnetka-NorthfieldGlencoe Chamber of Commerce as they host the 45th Annual Recognition Lunch on Wednesday, April 26 11:00 AM at Sunset Ridge Country Club in Northfield.
Voucher plans are sweeping the country, transferring public funds to private schools. Many Illinois residents don't realize we have a voucher program right here in the form of a tax credit "scholarship" program, known as Invest in Kids.
The panel discussion, co-hosted by the League of Women Voters of Glenview and Glencoe, will focus on media literacy, how “to find unbiased, factual information in an oversaturated media la
Illinois made history in January by passing the Assault Weapons Ban. This was an outstanding accomplishment on behalf of dedicated legislators, survivor advocates and grassroots activists from all across the state.