All New Orleans Articles

League of Women Voters Big Buttons

Two League of Women Voters members have been highlighted as among the leaders who have made a difference in the 300 years of New Orleans History. 

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People Powered Fair Maps is sponsored by the League of Women Voters of the United States..  LWVLA has been speaking to groups and organizations about the People Powered Fair Maps Campaign.

Vote safe. Vote by Mail

The League of Women Voters of Louisiana urges you to protect your health as well as that of other voters and poll workers by:

*If qualified, requesting a ballot and VOTING BY MAIL,

Geaux Vote Image

Use the Geaux Vote website or the Geaux Vote app on your phone for all your election information.


Do you know about Engaging New Voices and New Voters (ENVV)the non-partisian voting coalition led by the National Council of Jewish Women and LWVNO? 

