Membership Form

Membership Form

 The league is a national nonpartisan political organization which encourages members to be informed and active participants in government, work to increase understanding of major public issues and to influence public policy through education and advocacy.  Membership is open to all males and females sixteen years of age and older. All members belong not only to the local league but also to the state and national leagues.

Membership dues are not tax deductible.

Please join us in our quest to make all citizens informed and active voters.


Rosalind Blanco Cook, President League of Women Voters of New Orleans

 Payment accepted at the PayPal link or mail check to:

League of Women Voters of New Orleans                             Office Phone 504-581-9106

1215 Prytania St, Suite 224                                                     Hours Mon, Tues and Wed

New Orleans, LA 70130                                                          9am to 1 pm




 Phones: Cell____________________Home_________________Work_____________________


 Annual membership dues are from July 1 to June 30 of each year.

 Members joining between February 1, and June 30, of any given year, pay half and renew at regular amount July 1.

 Please circle one:        Individual $60      Household $80       Student $25

 If household membership, please list name of additional member here.


