All Hamilton-Wenham Articles

Brief the Chief
Blog Post

 Want to Try a Fab Vacation Activity:

Blog Post

Uniting Communities & Lawmakers:

Conversations on Water Resilience


There are several positions up for election in both Hamilton and Wenham and there is still time to throw YOUR hat in the ring! Nomination papers are available from your Town Clerk and are due back by Thursday, February 20th. 

Blog Post

LWVHW Leadership took an evening in early January to hold a mini-retreat and share good food and great conversation about where we are and where we are going.

Breaking News

Congratulations to all on the launch of the community’s new weekly print newspaper!

Thank You
Blog Post

The LWVHW Steering Committee thanks our town clerks, Carin Kale (Hamilton) and Dianne Bucco (Wenham) for their dedication and hard work before, during and after the election.  We would also like to thank our neighbors who serve as poll workers, su

Blog Post
Research & Studies

There are five statewide ballot measures that have been certified to be on the Massachusetts State Election ballot on November 5, 2024.

Research & Studies

Informational Paper-Section 3A of MGL c.40A 

Don't Just Vote Vent

Hours and locations are listed on our LWVHW Calendar
